India Solar – MNRE officially stops appointment of new Channel Partners

It is now official. MNRE has released a notice saying that it is no longer accepting any new applications to become channel partners. The full notice reads” The SPV division has stopped receiving new applications to become channel partners under Off-Grid and Decentralized Solar Applications programme for the time being. The already received applications will be processed by the end of July 2013. There is no bar for receiving applications in the case of renewal.” 
Last week, we had published our analysis about the decline in the number of channel partners and the number of channel partners who not been sanctioned any subsidies. (Read here). MNRE has not given any official reason for this stopping the appointment.

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1 thought on “India Solar – MNRE officially stops appointment of new Channel Partners”

  1. Is the reason that MNRE does not have funds for the subsidy program? I have been told by SWH channel partners that they have Crores pending with MNRE to be released as subsidy.

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